was yazid a sahabiwas yazid a sahabi

General Discussion. When Marwan ibn al-Hakam announced this news to the people of Madina, he . How can anybody support a sick man like Yazid? Even older, more conservative locals have thus interpreted Haleh Sahabi's death as an action unparalleled even by Yazid I, the vilified 7th-century murderer of Imam Hossein. Imam 'Ali, the son of Hussain, lived on as the voice of the revolution, even in the tyrant's very own palace. Those sahaba who tried to refrain him from this undertaking did so thinking that it was not wise and pragmatic. Yazid bin Abi Sufyan embraced Islam at the Fathu Makkah event (8 AH). Talhah bin 'Ubaidillah. Not only that he was not a Sahabi, not only that he is not to be remembered with RaziAllah Anhu etc, he is a . his son Muawiyah, and his grandson Yazid. Therefore, Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) is considered a Tabi'i. Here you will find how he praises Sahaba and how he acknowledges and explains their sacrifices and rich contribution towards the mission of Islam. Abu Bakr and Abu Khubayb were the kunyas of 'Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr. Shia divide Sahaba, companions of Prophet Muhammad saw) into three groups. And it is not permissible to cast aspersions upon him at all. Leave a . According to a friend of mine, Yazid is a jannati due to him being a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), this means that all of his sins will be forgiven. . (Fatwa: 355/L=91/TL=04/1435) (1) Yes, Malik Ibn Dinar was a Tabiye, not a Sahabi. Meaning of Yazeed Yazeed is a direct Quranic name for boys that means "he makes progress", "he increases in power and wealth", "he becomes happier", "he increases in virtue". this expedition was sent during the reign of hazrat muawiyah and in this task force were included elderly and illustrious sahaba like hazrat abu ayyub ansari whose funeral prayer was led by yazid according to the will of hazrat ayyub ansari himself. 3) Sayyiduna Dhu-Shimalayn ibn 'Abdi. Hadhrat Imam Hussain (ra) was the blessed grandson of the Holy Prophet (saw).On 4 th Hijri (four years after the Prophet (saw) 's migration from Makkah to Madinah) he was born to the daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw), Hadhrat Fatimah (ra), and her husband Hadhrat Ali (ra).The child was named Hussain (ra).. 'Hassan' means beauty in Arabic, hence . But they did not eat anything from their reward, and I do not know what you will do after me.". He is buried in Damascus and his funeral prayer was led by his son, also named, Muawaiyah. Yazeed was appointed by his father as his heir, so he took power after his father died in Rajab 60 AH at the age of thirty-three, but his reign lasted for less than four years. Yazid, when he became caliph, said: "Hashemite played with the throne, but no revelation was revealed, nor was there a true . In fact, under the doctrine of Tabarra, it is obligatory for a Shi'a to disassociate from such a person. The Wahhabi AKA salafist regime of Al Saud established a high school in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia recently (1432 Hijri) carrying the name of the murderer of Imam Hussain (AS) and his holy household and companions, Yazid Ibn Muawiyah (grandson of Hind,the woman who ate . No ruler had prior to this appointed his son or family as successor. Many Sahaba, the most prominent being Abdullah ibn Zubayr, refused to give their oath of allegiance to Yazid, as they saw it as a usurpation of power and not the proper way of choosing a Caliph by the Shura. Many Sahaba and their children were slaughtered. Furthermore, Shia assume as self-evident that a sahabi that commits fasiq is going to hell. He said, "The bay'a for Yazid's succession after you." He said, "And did you complete it?" He replied, "Yes." Then Mu'awiya said, "Return to your post." When al-Mughira departed, his companions asked him how it went and he replied, "I have placed Mu'awiya's foot in a stirrup of error, in which it will remain until the Day of Rising." I want to know if this is true, was Yazid a sahaba or not? As previously mentioned, the sunnah of the turban is to wear it with a qalansuwwa Answer (1 of 10): Of course Hussain (RA) should have been Caliph, according to Sunni views as well. He met and lived amongst the Sahaba and narrated Prophetic traditions too. Yazid was born in Shawwal 25 or 26 or 27 (AH) during the reign of the third rightly-guided Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) [1] and passed away when he was approximately 40 years of age on Thursday, 14th Rabi al-Awwal 64 (AH). Unlike the rest of his family, including his father Abu Bakr, and sister Aisha, he was late to convert to Islam, doing so on the Conquest of Mecca. Abu. They put the blame on Yazid (Rahimahullah) and tried to wash off their hands but Allah(Swt) will expose their lies,deceptions and deviations till Yawm al Qiyama and Their . As he ordered Ibn Ziyad to kill Hussein if he does not give oath of allegiance to Yazid. He had fifteen sons and five daughters from different wives. 14th July 2016. The Muawiyah's . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . 2) Sayyiduna Safwan ibn Wahb. The sahaba understood the meaning of loving Rasulullah - love for them meant that they would put everything on the line for the sake of Rasulullah After Rasulullah did his best in preparation, in terms of arranging the army, in terms of choosing the location, making shura - when he exhausted all worldly means, he put his . This was a vital issue for them and is . Many historians have questioned the haste of departure before . Imam Dhahabi (rah) writes about Yazid He (Yazid) was a disgusting Nasibi (i.e. Names of 313 Companions who took part in the battle of Badr. People confuse between Muwayah (RA) and his son, Yazid bin Muwayah. Their names are listed at the site of the battle.They were : 1) Sayyiduna 'Umayr ibn Abi Waqas. There are minor differences between historical reports on the year Ibn al . Yazid said to Ibn Ziyad 'When in Kufa find Muslim bin Aqeel and then kill him. Imam Hussain did not allow Zayn al-Abidin to fight during the battle of 'Ashura', due to his illness and because he needed to survive as the Divine representative on earth. So Hijr bin Uday called for the prayer, but Ziyad went along with his speech. ambareen November 29, 2013 1:58 pm Reply. He was one of the first memorizers of the Qur'an. Having finished with the people of Medina, Muslim, the aging commander of Yazid's handpicked troops, marched to Mecca. Later Yazid and his companions rejected the blessings of Allah and rose the flag of enmity towards Ahlul Bayt and finally brutally martyred Imam Hussain (RA) to the extent that Yazid even . (2) In order to know the history of Sahaba and Tabiyeen you should study the books: Seeratut Tabiyeen, Siyarus Sahaba, Siyarus Sahabiyat and Hayatus Sahaba etc. 4) Sayyiduna Mihja' ibn Salih. He drank and did evil. Hazrat Uthman (R) In this elaborate talk about yet another great Sahaba - Abdullah Ibn Zubayr RA, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi elucidates numerous details entailing the biography and also some major fitans that took place in his time. . The commencement of the allegiance to Yazid; The letters written to Hussain (as) by the Shias who believed in Shaykhayn's caliphate; The Nasibi objections towards the Sahabi Suleman bin Sard (ra) and the Tawabun; The participation of the Sahaba and their sons in killing Muslim bin Aqeel (as) The Shia of Uthman [Nawasib] killed Imam Hussain (as) He was a prominent authority in hadith and law, sunnis regard him as a great Fahqi (jurist). (Quran 17:109) How to Pronounce Yazeed! Many Sahaba, the most prominent being Abdullah ibn Zubayr, refused to give their oath of allegiance to Yazid, as they saw it as a usurpation of power and not the proper way of choosing a caliph by the Shura. With regards to Yazid, each sahabi was following a valid ijtihad and as such there is no blame on them for what they did since they are the best generation. Instead he moved from Medina to Mecca, saying he was going to perform Umrah. As it has been mentioned before that Yazid made UbaydUllah Ibn Ziyad kill the grandson of Rasulullah . . 14 companions were martyred in the battle. The sahaba who was crowned as one of al-mubasyaruun bil Jannah (the person who was given the good news of entering paradise) was later misled by Muadz bin Jabal. Yazid was the wicked son of Mu'awiyah who inherited his father's rule. The commencement of the allegiance to Yazid; The letters written to Hussain (as) by the Shias who believed in Shaykhayn's caliphate; The Nasibi objections towards the Sahabi Suleman bin Sard (ra) and the Tawabun; The participation of the Sahaba and their sons in killing Muslim bin Aqeel (as) The Shia of Uthman [Nawasib] killed Imam Hussain (as) al-usayn ibn Al, (born January 626, Medina, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]died October 10, 680, Karbal, Iraq), hero in Shii Islam, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fimah and son-in-law Al (the first imam of the Shiah and the fourth of the Sunni Rashidun caliphs). Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 88, Number 227: Narrated Nafi': When the people of Medina dethroned Yazid bin Muawiya, Ibn 'Umar gathered his special friends and children and said, "I heard the Prophet saying, 'A flag will be fixed for every betrayer on the Day of Resurrection,' and we have given the oath of allegiance to this person (Yazid) in accordance with the conditions enjoined by Allah and . There are examples of the bravery of Ali, Abu Bakr , Dhirar ibn Azwar , Khalid ibn Walid ,Zubair ibn Awamm,Talhah ibn Ubaydah, Abu Dunjanh and many others (may Allah be pleased with them). He was the second of the dynastic rulers at the beginning of the Islamic era. A number of highly respected sahaba and tabi'een as well as narrators of hadith and Sunna were branded like animals as an additional insult. #1. Answer ID: 50882. He was a fasiq who copulated with his mother, sister and daughters . This can be evidenced from the following Sunni works: Al Bidayah wal Nihayah, Volume 8 page 52, death of Amro bin al-Hamiq . This is what made Yazd, his army and all those who stood by and did nothing so unique. And so they fall down upon their faces, weeping, and [their consciousness of God's grace] increases their humility. . What you have to understand is that the Caliph is not like a king, there's no hereditary transmission of the Caliphate at the death of a Caliph. Imam Bukhari narrates from al-'Ula' ibn al-Musayyab from his father that he said: "I met (the Companion) al-Bara' ibn 'Azib (R.A.) and said: 'Blessings to you! He was the nephew of Aisha, one of the wives of Muhammad He was of the Banu Asad. Before that, Yazid's soldiers had committed the atrocious crime of murdering eighteen members of the Prophet Household at Kerbala including his grandson, al-Hussain, a number of his brothers, and their sons including children and newborn infants. "Yazeed committed a mistake and that too a disgusting one by ordering Muslim bin Uqba to make Madina "mubah" for three days. His father, al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam was a notable companion of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and his maternal cousin. The anguish was visible from his face as he ended the story and expressed, "Yazid the wicked carried out this injustice on the grandchild of the Holy Prophet sa but God rapidly brought His wrath upon . besiegement of Madina which also makes him directly liable for Lanah as sahih ahadith prove). Mas'ud; known as Ibn Masd (Arabic: ), was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and a narrator of hadiths and an exegete of the Qur'an in the early Islam. Ignorant as I am about history, I was browsing the internet on information about Karbala and specifically Yazid, since many Muslims are now defending him. He delegated an army 12000 strong under the command of Muslim Ibn Uqbah Al Marri to go and attack Madina if the people of Madinah fail to give allegiance to Yazid . Ali and many more Sahaba! Furthermore, if you want to know what Shia believe about Sahaba, then one should read Dua 4 of Sahifah Sajjadiyya, the great treasure of the 4th Imam of Ahlul Bait (a.s), Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s). Human Being. But they did not eat anything from their reward, and I do not know what you will do after me.". Tarik Aziz August 09, 2020. Ten thousand women and children were made slaves. The core issue on why the sahaba opposed Yazid was due to him corrupting the bay'a by transferring it from shura and meritocracy to hereditary rule. Abdul Rahman opposed Muawiya's appointment of his son Yazid as successor to the caliphate. "Even Yazid spared . Sahaba (Companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw)): Shia do not have a unique opinion towards Sahaba. Refutation of doubts created about the Sahabi Sayyidina Walid ibn 'Uqbah radiya Llahu 'anhu. The body of this Sahabi was crucified in front of the Kaaba, by the halifa of the time who think about that, right. . The battle of Harrah took place under the leadership of Yazid Ibn Muawiyah. The Worst Human In History "YAZID IBN MUAWIYA" April 21, 2018 by esquire786, posted in Faith BIOGRAPHAY There are few names in the history as notorious as Yazeed LA. In summary, according to many Muhaddithun, Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) had seen Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu 'anhu). Al-Dhahabi said: he was the commander of that army during the campaign against Constantinople, among which were people such as Abu Ayyoob al-Ansaari. is it true after karbala he women ere raped. It was in a sense, the death of Islam. Lineage 'Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam b. Khuwaylid was from Banu Asad tribe. Uthman bin Affan. One shows about the bravery of Abu Ayyub Al Ansari. or: Muawiyah attributed the murder of Uthman to a Sahabi Amr b. Hamiq and unjustly murdered him. All the Badr Sahaba were killed in this battle. Birth. Yazid was born in Syria. was a very good person.sallalahu walehiwasallim.all of your's sahaba.assalam walekekum. Even if one entertains the notion that the position of Yazid's government was valid, he (Imam Hussain) was not being accompanied by an army. WHAT HAPPENED IN MECCA? we've done how many 70 episodes of the Sahaba now at the very end of this somehow we're just . 'Abd Allah b. 1. . None of them mentioned the names of the narrators in the span of 100 years or more between them and the incident. Ali bin Abu Talib. He RA was the one who created the Muslim navy fleet, which helped expand the Is. Yazid, who ruled for only three years is associated with a series of bloody events, a gory chapter in Islamic history, the most important being the massacre of the grandson of the Prophet, Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib along with part of his family in Karbala in 61AH. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R) 2. 3) Imam Dhahabi Writes: Ziyad Haarthi narrated: 'Yazid gave me alcohol to drink, I had never drunk alcohol like that before and I enquired where he had obtained its ingredients from'. . Yazid and Abdullah Ibn Zubayr RA and the aftereffects of this denial of allegiance. accept that the Sahaba were involved in the agitation and murder of Uthman. In fact, a Sahaba who engaged in open warfare against the Ahl al-Bayt have their trustworthiness reduced to near nothing in the Shia view. He is revered by Shii Muslims as the third imam (after Al and usayn's elder . All of the sahaba were very courageous , but samples have to be given. Following is the list of Badr Sahaba names who participated in Ghazwa Badr: Muhammad ibn 'Abdillah. Yazeed: a killer of sahaba and a thief:- Ahmad bin Hanbal (sahih sanad) Yazid Vs Zakir Naik [Lies of First Navel War/Caesar's City] Yazid (la) Cursed By Sunni/Salafi Scholars; Salafis and Their Love for Yazid: Issues Arising; Hadith Prediction: A nation with Black Flags & who are Sad for Ahle-Bait (as) Yazeed used to copulate with his mother and sisters We read in Tabaqath: "Abdullah bin Hanzala the Sahaba stated 'By Allah we opposed Yazeed at the point when we feared that stones would reign down on us from the skies. Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! His year of birth is uncertain, placed between 642 and 649. He took himself as the sixth person who converted to Islam. Abu Bakar as-Siddiq. 1-Muslims go extreme because of their emotions, feelings, and love of Ahlul Bayt and they were devastated by what happened to them. Yazid's forces under the command of Umar bin Sad intercept Hussein's caravan in Karbala, and this is known in the Shia tradition as the Tragedy of Karbala in 680 AD. yazid was the commander of muslim forces who marched to caesar's city. Yazid was born in Shawwal 25 or 26 or 27 (AH) during the reign of the third rightly-guided Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) . Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al Haytami (rahimahullah) has also highlighted this. Abd Allah al-Zubayr or Ibn Zubayr or Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr' (624 - 692) () was a sahabi whose father was Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, and whose mother was Asma bint Abi Bakr, daughter of the first Caliph Abu Bakr. . . those who hate Ahlul bayt). His father was Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, then governor of Syria under Caliph Uthman ( r. 644-656 ). Both Yazid and Hussein had been involved in the siege of Constantinople a few years earlier. And it's not vintage zubaid, her mother, his mother, you know, is hugging the body and white just like, unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. Ibn Abi Layla, or Yazid ibn Ruman. What the historians mentioned about the reason behind killing Hijr bin Uday was that Ziyad, the ruler of Al-Kufah appointed by Mu'awiyah, once gave a prolonged speech. He was the first caliph whose name appeared on coins, inscriptions, or documents of the nascent Islamic empire. Bilal bin Rabah. Muawiya kept Shia women as prisoners in dungeons. "Dhahabi narrates that when Abdullah bin Kuzai returned from Damascus he stated that Yazeed performs zina with his mother, sister and daughters. He is described as handsome, long-haired and tall. And he will be awarded the same reward as if he had participated in the battle. "Yazid did not order the killing of al-Hussayn, but he did order to stop him from vying over the kingship, but he didn't kill those who killed al-Hussayn, nor did he avenge Hussayn from them, and this was a thing Yazid was condemned for,." "It was said to Ahmad ibn Hanbal: 'would hadith be taken from Yazid?' so he said: 'No,..'. When Imam Ali (as) became Caliph, Ibn Umar refused to give him allegiance. Muslim bin Uqba forced people to give bayya to Yazeed in such a manner that people were enslaved and Yazeed could sell them as he pleased, no Sahaba who were [with the Prophet (saws)] at Hudaibiya were spared.'. [fr] Ignorant comme je suis propos de l'histoire, j'ai dcid de chercher sur internet des informations propos de de Karbala Imam Bukhari narrates from al-'Ula' ibn al-Musayyab from his father that he said: "I met (the Companion) al-Bara' ibn 'Azib (R.A.) and said: 'Blessings to you! Close to the end of his life Ameer Muawiyyah bin Abu Sufyaan (RA-Radiallahu `Anhu - May Allah be pleased with him) decided to appoint his son Yazid as khalifa of the Muslims, this was an unprecedented act in the history of Islam. . Abu Bakr wept and said: "Are we going to remain after you!" 8. The noble Sahaabi Mu'aawiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the scribes who wrote down the Revelation; he was well known for forbearance, knowledge and virtue, and his achievements and good characteristics were many. It was not the degree of violence, nor the death per se, but the sickness at the deep level of Muslim community's soul that let this happen. 18. There was some opposition but Ubaydullah abducted these nobles and deterred people from supporting . The Ulema declared that cursing Yazid was permissible an it was practiced by several scholars of the day. days before Hajj (Shah Moinuddin Ahmad Nadvi, Sirat-e-Sahaba, Vol. Muawiya RA was also a Sahabi and was the governor of Syria during Uthmani caliphate. Saudi Wahhabis Name School In Honor Of Yazeed by LagosShia: 3:22pm On Feb 11, 2012. There exists difference of opinion with regards to other Sahabah. He departed to hell on 14th Rabi ul Awwal, 64 hij (9th Nov 683 AD) He was born on 24th Ramadan, 24 hij (Sunday, 23rd July 645 AD). Ibn Ziyad arrived in Kufa with seventeen men, having assessed the situation he spoke to the nobles in his palace and queried the whereabouts of Muslim bin Aqeel. We had better start a movement to oppose Yazeed otherwise stones may reign down on us" This is one reason why Ibn Hajar al Makki calls Yazeed one of the most debased men in history. 4, p. 151). Abu Bakr wept and said: "Are we going to remain after you!" 8. Yazid replied: 'it is made of sweet pomegranate, Isfahan's honey, Hawaz's sugar, Taif's grapes and Burdah's water'. So, Hijr and his group threw stones at Ziyad. This 100 years was filled with narrators with diverse ideologies. Hadrat Zainab (ra) explains that Yazid became red in anger and said: You challenging me is a proof of your brother and father being expelled from Islam (what an absurd and stupid logic of Yazid Lanti Kadhab), Zainab (RA) replied: Your father, your grandfather and you were guided through the deen of Allah, Deen of my father, deen of my brother . . This confusion comes because . Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Bakr was the eldest son of Abu Bakr, the first Sunni caliph. His mother, Asma' was the daughter of Abu Bakr. His mother was Maesoon bint Jundal. I have read a couple of sources with regards to the turban. history is silent about his openly proclaiming and citing "Shahada" testifying Muhammad's prophethood but think Yazid as Muslim and Sahabi companion of Prophet . Umar bin al-Khattab. With him were his sons and daughters, other family members, 32 riders and 42 on feet. Jul 23, 2008. On the way, he camped at a place called al-Mushallal. As a young man, Abdullah was an active participant in numerous Muslim campaigns against both the Byzantine . The heinous crimes of Yazeed Imam Ibn Kathir says in his magnificent work of Tarikh under events of 63 AH Ibn Zubayr said: O PEOPLE YOUR COMPANIONS HAVE BEEN KILLED - Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon. . Yazid did zina with mother, sisters. Yazid Ibn Muawiya was a noble tabeen and Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi Maliki said that imam Ahmed had mentioned about Yazid as a person who came after the sahaba and he said, . (salam) Abdullah ibn Umar was the son of the second tyrant leader of Islam Umar ibn Khattab. He said, "The bay'a for Yazid's succession after you." He said, "And did you complete it?" He replied, "Yes." Then Mu'awiya said, "Return to your post." When al-Mughira departed, his companions asked him how it went and he replied, "I have placed Mu'awiya's foot in a stirrup of error, in which it will remain until the Day of Rising."

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